Parish Council

Dullingham Parish Council has been in existence since 1894 and has 7 Councillor posts. As at August 2023 we have 6 Councillors in post and a vacancy for 1 new Councillor.

Dullingham Parish Council has a wide range of responsibilities including the parish council owned sports pavilion, parish council owned recreation fields and playgrounds, street lighting, village pond, trees on parish owned land. We are not permitted to manage land that is not owned by the Parish Council and there is other legislation in place that determines the extent of our powers. Grass cutting of designated parish owned land in Dullingham is carried out by Dullingham Parish Council under a contract and the remaining verges still sit with Cambridge County Council.

Much of the land in the village is owned and managed by East Cambridgeshire District Council or Cambridge County Council and you can find the links to the reporting mechanisms for these areas on the Report Issues/Useful Links page.